
[중고] Kaplan SAT 2 : Biology
  • 새상품
    26,000원 26,000원 (마일리지260원)
  • 판매가
    6,500원 (정가대비 75% 할인)
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      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 농협, 비씨,우리

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    You will score higher. We guarantee it.

    SAT II: Biology E/M, 2002-2003 Edition comes complete with a targeted review of all the material on both the E and the M versions of the exam, plus Kaplan's proven score-increasing strategies. This powerful combination makes SAT II: Biology E/M a highly effective study guide that can help you to score higher on this intensive subject test, and enable you to approach the test with confidence.

    3 Full-Length Practice Tests
    You'll start by taking a diagnostic test. From this score, you can determine the areas on which you need to focus. After an intensive review of the tested material, you'll take two simulated tests with a complete explanation for every answer and a detailed analysis of your scores.

    Critical Test Taking Strategies
    SAT II: Biology E/M improves your test taking skills by outlining important strategies on managing time, remembering key concepts, spotting important trends, and approaching each type of question on the test. You'll hone these skills with hundred of practice questions and quizzes in every chapter.

    Be Prepared -- Know the Test
    This in-depth book reviews every section of the test step-by-step, including Ecology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Classical Genetics, Evolution and Diversity, and Organismal Biology. With SAT II: Biology E/M you'll increase your score by knowing what to expect on the actual exam.

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