
[중고] Missions in the Age of the Spirit (Paperback)
  • 새상품
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      통상 72시간 이내

    무이자 할부 안내

    • * 2~3개월 무이자 : 신한, 국민,현대,롯데,하나,삼성
      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 농협, 비씨,우리

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    Editorial Reviews

    About the Author

    Dr. John V. York is the director of the Africa Theological Training Service and is area director-at-large fro Africa fro the Assemblies of God Division of Foreign Missions. He has spent twenty-six years ministering in Africa, including serving as the principal of the Eastern and the Northern Nigeria Bible colleges. he aslo was the founding director of the Nigerian Advanced School of Theology. York earned a B.A. in Religion from Southern California College, an M.A. in Missiology from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Missiology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife, Joy, reside in Springfield, Missouri.


    Product Details

    • Paperback: 270 pages
    • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House (January 1, 2000)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0882434640
    • ISBN-13: 978-0882434643
    • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.3 x 0.6 inches 
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