
[중고] From Corpus to Classroom : Language Use and Language Teaching (Paperback)
2019년 대학교재 분야 286위
  • 새상품
    90,330원 83,700원 (마일리지2,520원)
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    50,000원 (정가대비 45% 할인)
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    • * 2~3개월 무이자 : 신한, 국민,현대,롯데,하나,삼성
      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 농협, 비씨,우리

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    # 책상태 : 사용감이 거의 없으나 밑줄이 약간, 윗 면에 이름 지운 자국이 있습니다. 깨끗하게 보존되어 있습니다.
    # 책소개 : From Corpus to Classroom summarises and makes accessible recent work in corpus research, focusing particularly on spoken data. It is based on analysis of corpora such as CANCODE and Cambridge International Corpus, and written with particular reference to the development of corpus-informed pedagogy. The book explains how corpora can be designed and used, and focuses on what they tell us about language teaching. It examines the relevance of corpora to materials writers, course designers and language teachers and considers the needs of the learner in relation to authentic data. It shows how the answers to key questions such as 'Is there a basic, everyday vocabulary for English?', 'How should idioms be taught?' and 'What are the most common spoken language chunks?' are best explored by means of a clearer understanding of the workings of language in context.
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