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SACD 멀티서라운드

올해 쉰 살을 맞이한 ‘바로크 바이올린의 여왕’ 레이첼 포저의 비발디 여행이 <라 스트라바간자>, <라 체트라>, <레스트로 아르모니코>를 거쳐 드디어 <사계>에 도달했다! 포저와 연주자들은 너무나도 유명하고 이미 수많은 연주가 나와 있는 이 작품에서 지나친 양극단을 피한 산뜻하고 싱그러운 접근방법을 취했으며, 포저는 자신의 비르투오지티와 더불어 다양한 색채, 시적인 정서, 섬세한 표현과 매혹적인 장식음으로 새로운 기운을 불어넣는 데 성공했다. 함께 수록된 ‘그로소 모굴’ 등 세 곡의 협주곡도 명연이라고 할 만하며, 채널 클래식스 특유의 명쾌한 녹음도 인상적이다.

Record Review 21st April 2018 Recording of the Week
BBC Music Magazine June 2018 Concerto Choice
Gramophone Magazine May 2018 Editor's Choice
Gramophone Awards 2018 Shortlisted - Concerto
Presto Recording of the Week 13th April 2018

Financial Times 7th April 2018
[Podger] with a select group of eight musicians, one to each part. So far from sounding spartan, this releases a freedom and buoyancy in the playing that is quite delightful. The "nymphs and shepherds" dance in "Spring" with the lightest of steps. The horses gallop along in the "Autumn" hunt with a joyous, almost Disney-like cartoon bounce. The playing is high quality throughout and three more Vivaldi concertos, each as characterful in its own right, make up an enjoyable disc. ****

Gramophone Magazine May 2018
It’s not just that the actual playing is superb: serene virtuoso fluency from Podger, gorgeously supported by her colleagues...It’s also that this is something genuinely, effortlessly and naturally different...I’ve never heard their every twist and turn served up as quite the succession of changing sound worlds as appears here.

Presto Classical 13th April 2018
Podger’s approach is considerably more fine-boned than most, which is as much down to the choices about phrasing, tempi and articulation as it is to the forces deployed: Spring is ushered in with gentleness and grace... This is The Seasons as chamber-music rather than virtuoso war-horse, and the synergy between Podger and her tiny band is matchless.
- Katherine Cooper

Sunday Times 15th April 2018
Podger’s Midas touch makes even a warhorse such as Vivaldi’s Four Seasons sound fresh-minted. She and her Brecon players see these concertos not as orchestral but as chamber music. Yet there is no lack of power in the big tuttis...This Vivaldi has an improvisatory quality, making you listen with cleansed ears.

The Times 20th April 2018
Why consider another recording? The answer lies in many things: Podger’s bouncy phrasing and clarity, myriad subtleties in textures and dynamics, the kindliness of a recording that, unlike some, allows the music and its reverberations to breathe...There’s also the exquisite balance of parts shared between Podger’s eight-strong ensemble. *****

  • 1-1. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
  • 1-2. Vivaldi: Concerto for strings 'Il riposo - per il Santissimo Natale', RV 270
  • 1-3. Vivaldi: Violin Concerto in E major, RV271 'L'Amoroso'
  • 1-4. Vivaldi: Concerto for Violin "Il Grosso Mogul" in D major RV 208

최근작 :<복 있도다>,<[블루레이] 비발디: 사계 / 베토벤: 바이올린 협주곡 / 바흐: 바이올린 협주곡 BWV 1042 & 마니피카트 BWV 2043>,<체칠리아 바르톨리 - 비발디 (딜럭스 한정반)> … 총 2476종 (모두보기)
소개 :
최근작 :<레이첼 포저 - 영국 바로크 바이올린 소나타와 환상곡>,<모차르트 : 바이올린 소나타 전집 [8CD]>,<바흐 : 골트베르크 변주곡 [SACD Hybrid 디지팩]> … 총 61종 (모두보기)
소개 :=
최근작 :<바흐 : 푸가의 기법 [SACD Hybrid]>,<바흐 : 바이올린 협주곡 [SACD Hybrid]> … 총 9종 (모두보기)