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최근작 :<미래의 건축 100> … 총 8종 (모두보기)
소개 :건축회사 HWKN의 공동 설립자이자, 설계를 담당하고 있는 건축가. 자신이 운영하는 건축 웹진 아키타이저(Architizer.com)를 통해 세계의 건축 관련 자료를 수집하고 알리는 일에도 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 그는 건축이 모든 이의 삶에 관여한다고, 그리고 모든 이가 건축의 팬이라고 믿는다. 새로운 매체들 덕분에, 오늘날 누구든 자기를 둘러싼 환경에 영향력을 발휘할 수 있게 되었다. 그것이야말로 더 나은 건물로 가는 길이고, 더 나은 도시로 가는 길이며, 더 나은 세상으로 가는 길이라고 그는 생각한다.

The founder of Architizer.com and practicing architect draws on his unique position at the crossroads of architecture and social media to highlight 100 important buildings that embody the future of architecture.

We're asking more of architecture than ever before; the response will define our future.

A pavilion made from paper. A building that eats smog. An inflatable concert hall. A research lab that can walk through snow. We're entering a new age in architecture--one where we expect our buildings to deliver far more than just shelter. We want buildings that inspire us while helping the environment; buildings that delight our senses while serving the needs of a community; buildings made possible both by new technology and repurposed materials.

Like an architectural cabinet of wonders, this book collects the most innovative buildings of today and tomorrow. The buildings hail from all seven continents (to say nothing of other planets), offering a truly global perspective on what lies ahead. Each page captures the soaring confidence, the thoughtful intelligence, the space-age wonder, and at times the sheer whimsy of the world's most inspired buildings--and the questions they provoke: Can a building breathe? Can a skyscraper be built in a day? Can we 3D-print a house? Can we live on the moon?

Filled with gorgeous imagery and witty insight, this book is an essential and delightful guide to the future being built around us--a future that matters more, and to more of us, than ever.