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(종수가 많은) 외서는 해외거래처에서 제공하는 정보가 부족하여 표시하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다.
문의사항은 1:1 상담을 이용해 주십시오.

최근작 : … 총 78종 (모두보기)
최근작 :<해볼 건 다 해봤고, 이제 나로 삽니다>,<예스, 셰프> … 총 98종 (모두보기)
소개 :작가이자 저널리스트이며, 대표작으로는 평단의 호평을 받은 회고록 『마마스 걸Mama’s Girl』, 청소년 소설 『고 비트윈The Go-Between』, 셰프 마커스 사무엘슨과 공저한 『예스, 셰프』가 있다.
창의적 글쓰기와 저널리즘에 대한 강의를 진행하고 있으며, 『미셸의 의미The Meaning of Michelle: 시대의 아이콘이 된 영부인과 우리에게 영감을 주는 그녀의 여정에 관한 작가 16인의 글』의 편집자로, 《뉴스위크》 문화면 작가로, 《뉴욕타임스 매거진》의 편집자로 일하기도 했다.

"'Regardless of how much money you have, your race, where you live, what religion you follow, you are going through something. Or you already have or you will. As Momma always said, Everybody's got something.' So begins beloved Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts's new memoir in which she recounts the incredible journey that's been her life so far, and the lessons she's learned along the way. With grace, heart, and humor, she writes about overcoming breast cancer only to learn five years later thatshe will need a bone marrow transplant to combat a rare blood disorder, the grief and heartbreak she suffered when her mother passed away, her triumphant return to GMA after her medical leave, and the tremendous support and love of her family and friendsthat saw her through her difficult times. Following her mother's advice to 'make your mess your message,' Robin taught a nation of viewers that while it is true that we've all got something--a medical crisis to face, aging parents to care for, heartbreakin all its many forms--we've also all got something to give: hope, encouragement, a life-saving transplant or a spirit-saving embrace. As Robin has learned, and what readers of her remarkable story will come to believe as well, it's all about faith, family and friends. And finding out that you are stronger, much stronger, than you think"--