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From Publishers Weekly
Gathered near a campfire under a canopy of stars, a Navaho Indian boy hears the tale of his birth from his grandfather. Born on a windy night, the child was weak and frail. In the early morning, Grandfather brought him out to meet the morning. Two blue horses galloped by, stopped and looked at him; the baby raised his arms to them. Grandfather said, "This boy child will not die. The great blue horses have given him the strength to live." Named Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses, the child later needs that well of strength to deal with the fact that he is blind. Rand's atmospheric, vivid paintings evoke the tale's sensibility as they move it along. The beauty and vastness of the Western sky and the intimacy of two loving figures by a campfire are portrayed with equal fluidity. A rich tale of intergenerational love and respect, this is bittersweet and unsentimental. It is a moving collaborative effort that reverberates long after the book is closed. Ages 5-8.
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

From Publishers Weekly
Gathered near a campfire under a canopy of stars, a Navaho Indian boy hears the tale of his birth from his grandfather. Born on a windy night, the child was weak and frail. In the early morning, Grandfather brought him out to meet the morning. Two blue horses galloped by, stopped and looked at him; the baby raised his arms to them. Grandfather said, "This boy child will not die. The great blue horses have given him the strength to live." Named Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses, the child later needs that well of strength to deal with the fact that he is blind. Rand's atmospheric, vivid paintings evoke the tale's sensibility as they move it along. The beauty and vastness of the Western sky and the intimacy of two loving figures by a campfire are portrayed with equal fluidity. A rich tale of intergenerational love and respect, this is bittersweet and unsentimental. It is a moving collaborative effort that reverberates long after the book is closed. Ages 5-8.
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

최근작 :<손, 손, 내 손은>,<매듭을 묶으며>,<치카치카 붐붐> … 총 85종 (모두보기)
소개 :미국의 캘리포니아에서 태어나 컬럼비아 교육대학에서 공부했다. 시인이자 소설가, 자유기고가로 활동하고 있으며, 1980년대 중반부터 빌 마틴 주니어와 작업하고 있으며 <매듭을 묶으며> 등의 글을 썼다.
최근작 : … 총 9종 (모두보기)
소개 :1915년에 미국에서 태어나, 미술을 공부하고 순수미술 작가로 활동해 오다가 1970년대부터 어린이 책의 그림을 그리기 시작했습니다. 그는 <매듭을 묶으며>, <손, 손, 내 손은> 등 수많은 그림책에 그림을 그렸으며 2005년 세상을 떠났습니다.
최근작 :<에릭 칼 그림책 BEST OF BEST 10 A세트 - 전10권>,<아기 곰아, 아기 곰아, 무얼 바라보니? (미니 보드 탭북)>,<갈색 곰아, 갈색 곰아, 무얼 바라보니?> … 총 315종 (모두보기)
소개 :미국 캔자스에서 태어나 노스웨스턴대학교에서 교육학 박사 학위를 받았다. 초등학교와 고등학교에서 학생들을 가르친 그는 어린이책 작가로도 활동하며 이름을 알렸다. 1967년 그래픽 디자이너였던 에릭 칼과 함께 《갈색 곰아, 갈색 곰아, 무얼 바라보니?》를 출간한 빌은 이후 《북극곰아, 북극곰아, 무슨 소리가 들리니?》, 《판다야, 판다야, 무얼 바라보니?》, 《아기 곰아, 아기 곰아, 무얼 바라보니?》를 차례로 출간하며 전 세계 독자들에게 큰 사랑을 받았다.

In Knots on a Counting Rope, Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault tell a poignant story about a boy's emerging confidence in facing his blindness in this beautiful children's picture book illustrated by Ted Rand.

By the warmth of a campfire beneath a starry night sky, a Navajo youth named Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses listens to the tale of his birth from his grandfather. Although blind, the boy learns that he has the strength to cope with his condition and meet any challenge that comes his way.

"The powerful, spare, poetic text is done full justice by Rand's fine full-color illustrations...The love, hope, and courage expressed are universal."-- Booklist (starred review)