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  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
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(종수가 많은) 외서는 해외거래처에서 제공하는 정보가 부족하여 표시하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다.
문의사항은 1:1 상담을 이용해 주십시오.

최근작 :<베이비 위스퍼 골드>,<베이비 위스퍼 패밀리편>,<베이비 위스퍼 2> … 총 37종 (모두보기)
소개 :
최근작 :<베이비 위스퍼 골드>,<베이비 위스퍼 패밀리편>,<가끔 보는 그가 친구보다 더 중요한 이유> … 총 44종 (모두보기)
소개 :트레이시 호그와 함께 수년간 ‘베이비 위스퍼’ 시리즈를 공동집필한 멜린다는 가족에 대한 깊은 관심과 연구를 토대로 줄곧 육아와 아이들, 가정과 인간관계 등을 주제로 글을 집필해왔다. 「뉴욕타임스」를 비롯해 많은 신문과 잡지에 기고했으며, 저널리스트 상을 수상한 바 있다. 저서로 『이혼 가정의 성공적인 공동육아를 위한 10가지 방법』, 『사랑하고 귀담아듣기』 외 다수가 있다.

The third book in the bestselling Baby Whisperer series -- the most comprehensive, up-close, and personal to date!

Thousands of parents have asked the Baby Whisperer to help them solve their problems. With this book you too can take advantage of the advice, insights, and parenting techniques from beloved child expert Tracy Hogg. "A problem is nothing more than a situation calling for a creative solution," she reminds us. "Ask the right questions and you'll come up with the right answers."

Once you learn how to translate banguage, the "baby-language" your infant uses to communicate needs, feelings, and opinions, you can see your child for who he or she really is -- an understanding that will serve you well as your child blossoms into the toddler years. By helping you establish a daily routine and tailor your parenting strategies according to your child's unique personality and stage of development, Tracy will teach you how to:

• Ask the Twelve Essential Questions to recognize potential problems and employ the Twelve Principles of Problem Solving -- simple troubleshooting techniques for everyday situations

• Avoid, or remedy, accidental parenting -- inadvertent adult behavior that often leads to such common parenting challenges as sleep problems, poor eating habits, separation anxiety, and tantrums

• Be a P.C. parent -- patient and conscious -- who knows how to detect prime times -- windows of opportunity for teaching babies how to get to sleep on their own, introducing bottles to breast-fed babies, toilet training, and other growth issues

• Inhibit runaway emotions and foster his or her emotional fitness -- the ability to understand and manage feelings

...and so much more. For Tracy's fans, this book will be a welcome addition to the Hogg library; for readers unfamiliar with her philosophy of care, it will open a new world of understanding and insight.