알라딘 중고매장

  • 최저가 : 4,700원 I 최고가 : 4,700원
  • 재고 : 1부 I 도서 위치 : E20 [위에서부터 2번째칸]
  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
[종로점] 서가 단면도
(종수가 많은) 외서는 해외거래처에서 제공하는 정보가 부족하여 표시하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다.
문의사항은 1:1 상담을 이용해 주십시오.

수상 :1990년 뉴베리상, 0 년 뉴베리상, 0 년 뉴베리상(외서)
최근작 :<기억 전달자>,<별을 헤아리며>,<A Summer to Die 그 여름의 끝 (영어원서 + 워크북 + MP3 CD 1장)> … 총 546종 (모두보기)
소개 :

The unforgettable Newbery Medal-winning novel from Lois Lowry. As the German troops begin their campaign to "relocate" all the Jews of Denmark, Annemarie Johansen's family takes in Annemarie's best friend, Ellen Rosen, and conceals her as part of the family.

Through the eyes of ten-year-old Annemarie, we watch as the Danish Resistance smuggles almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark, nearly seven thousand people, across the sea to Sweden. The heroism of an entire nation reminds us that there was pride and human decency in the world even during a time of terror and war.

A modern classic of historical fiction, Number the Stars has won generations of fans and continues to speak to today's readers. Jessica Grose wrote in a November 2022 New York Times essay entitled "This Perfect Mother-Daughter Read Holds a Powerful Lesson for Fighting Antisemitism" "Number the Stars is particularly relevant to our family, and to this moment."

As School Library Journal put it: "Readers are taken to the very heart of Annemarie's experience, and, through her eyes, come to understand the true meaning of bravery."