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최근작 :<자전거가 좋다, 로드 사이클링> … 총 4종 (모두보기)
소개 :1984년 올림픽 참가 선수. 역대 미국 로드레이스 선수 중에서 가장 많은 328차례 우승. 이 가운데 뚜르 드 프랑스 2차례 우승. 1984년 올림픽 로드 챔피언인 아내 코니 카펜터 그리고 두 아들과 함께 콜로라도에 살고 있다. 《바이시클링 매거진》의 기고 편집자이며 TV 해설가로 활동하면서 카펜터-핀니 사이클링 캠프를 운영한다.
최근작 : … 총 15종 (모두보기)
최근작 :<암스트롱의 거짓말>,<[블루레이] 암스트롱의 거짓말>,<이것은 자전거 이야기가 아닙니다> … 총 71종 (모두보기)
소개 :

For two decades, Davis Phinney was one of America's most successful cyclists. He won two stages at the Tour de France and an Olympic Bronze medal. But after years of feeling not quite right, he was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson's. The body that had had so long been his ally had slowly morphed into something else: a prison.    The Happiness of Pursuit is the story of how Davis sought to overcome his Parkinson's by reaching back to what had made him so successful on the bike and adjusting his perspective on what counted as a win. The news of his diagnosis began a dark period for this vibrant athlete, but there was also light.  His son, Taylor, discovered bike racing, and as his career was taking off,  Davis wondered if he would spend the rest of his days quaking ineffectually on the sidelines of life. Determined to beat the Body Snatcher, Davis underwent a procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation. While not cured, his symptoms abated enough for him to see Taylor compete in the Beijing Olympics. On his own terms, Davis Phinney had won another stage.  But the real truth was that the joy was in the pursuit.   With humor and grace, Phinney weaves the narrative of his battle with Parkinson's with incredible tales from his cycling career and from his son's emerging career. The Happiness of Pursuit is a remarkable story of fathers and sons and bikes, of courage and optimism, of victories large and small.