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[종로점] 서가 단면도

Raise hackles, raise goosebumps, raise reading interest with these scary, suspenseful thrillers! Written especially for middle-grade readers by the popular, best-selling author of horror books.

An evil creature called the Sponge appears to be an ordinary kitchen sponge, but thrives on human bad luck, that it deliberately causes and then sucks up while refusing to do the dishes.

Raise hackles, raise goosebumps, raise reading interest with these scary, suspenseful thrillers! Written especially for middle-grade readers by the popular, best-selling author of horror books.

An evil creature called the Sponge appears to be an ordinary kitchen sponge, but thrives on human bad luck, that it deliberately causes and then sucks up while refusing to do the dishes.

최근작 :<이해하면 오싹한 호러 컬렉션 1>,<구스범스 40>,<구스범스 39> … 총 1611종 (모두보기)
소개 :세계적으로 큰 사랑을 받은 베스트셀러 〈구스범스〉 시리즈를 비롯해, 300권이 넘는 책을 쓴 어린이책 작가로 ‘아동 문학계의 스티븐 킹’으로 불립니다. 어린이책 작가가 되기 전에는 문학잡지 《버내너스 Bananas》의 기자로 일했고, 출판사를 운영하기도 했습니다. 지금은 어린이들에게 오싹함을 선물하는 일을 자신의 직업이라 여깁니다.


An evil creature called the Sponge appears to be an ordinary kitchen sponge, but thrives on human bad luck, which it deliberately causes and then sucks up while refusing to do the dishes