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최근작 :<BONES> … 총 541종 (모두보기)
소개 :
최근작 : … 총 383종 (모두보기)

Lionel's many school-related adventures include a nervous Back-to-School Night with his parents, the welcoming of a new classmate, a sister who doesn't seem to recognize him, and an experiment with time. Reprint.

Lionel's many school-related adventures include a nervous Back-to-School night with his parents, the welcoming of a new classmate, a sister who doesn't seem to recognize him, and an experiment with time.

The new school year brings lessons for Lionel to explore with his class. But Lionel has to find out some things by himself. For example, what will his teacher tell his parents on Back-to-School Night? Can the new boy really wrestle polar bears? And how can Lionel make classtime go by as quickly as recess? Readers will be quick to identify with Lionel and his friends-and to wonder what Lionel will discover next.

The new school year brings lessons for Lionel to explore with his class. But Lionel has to find out some things by himself. For example, what will his teacher tell his parents on Back-to-School Night? Can the new boy really wrestle polar bears? And how can Lionel make classtime go by as quickly as recess? Readers will be quick to identify with Lionel and his friends-and to wonder what Lionel will discover next.