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[종로점] 서가 단면도

앤더슨 쿠퍼는 미국의 철도왕 밴더빌트 가문에서 태어나 예일대에서 정치학을 전공한 이후, 15년간 세계 곳곳의 전쟁, 내전, 재난지역 등 주로 취재해온 저널리스트다. 최근에는 아이티 지진현장에서 위험을 무릅쓰고 피투성이가 된 소년을 구해, 전 세계의 시청자들과 네티즌들에게 뜨거운 찬사를 받은 바 있다.

경제적으로는 부유한 환경에서 성장했으나 가정적으로는 불행을 극복한 인물이기도 하다. 유명 패션 디자이너이자 화가인 어머니 글로리아 밴더빌트는 잦은 결혼과 이혼으로 자주 구설수에 올랐다. 열 살 때 아버지가 심장병으로 사망했고, 형은 어머니가 보는 앞에서 투신자살했다.

이 책은 앤더슨 쿠퍼의 불행한 가족사와 세계적인 대재앙의 참상이 교차되는 고통과 절망과 화해의 기록이다. 앤더슨 쿠퍼는 자신이 목격한 전쟁과 재난의 비극으로부터 자신이 얼마나 깊은 영향을 받았는지, 그리고 왜 계속 지구상에서 가장 위험한 곳으로 이끌리는지를 생애 최초로 토로한다.


Tsunami: Washed Away
Iraq: Inkblots of Blood
Niger: Night Sweats
Katrina: Facing the Storm

Author's Note

최근작 : … 총 30종 (모두보기)
소개 :
최근작 :<떠나는 자와 남는 자의 마지막 수업>,<세상의 끝에 내가 있다> … 총 6종 (모두보기)
소개 :

Few people have witnessed more scenes of chaos and conflict around the world than Anderson Cooper, whose groundbreaking coverage on CNN has changed the way we watch the news. In this gripping, candid, and remarkably powerful memoir, he offers an unstinting, up-close view of the most harrowing crises of our time, and the profound impact they have had on his life.

After growing up on Manhattan's Upper East Side, Cooper felt a magnetic pull toward the unknown, an attraction to the far corners of the earth. If he could keep moving, and keep exploring, he felt he could stay one step ahead of his past, including the fame surrounding his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, and the tragic early deaths of his father and older brother. As a reporter, the frenetic pace of filing dispatches from war-torn countries, and the danger that came with it, helped him avoid having to look too closely at the pain and loss that was right in front of him.

But recently, during the course of one extraordinary, tumultuous year, it became impossible for him to continue to separate his work from his life, his family's troubled history from the suffering people he met all over the world. From the tsunami in Sri Lanka to the war in Iraq to the starvation in Niger and ultimately to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and Mississippi, Cooper gives us a firsthand glimpse of the devastation that takes place, both physically and emotionally, when the normal order of things is violently ruptured on such a massive scale. Cooper had been in his share of life-threatening situations before -- ducking fire on the streets of war-torn Sarejevo, traveling on his own to famine-stricken Somalia, witnessing firsthand the genocide in Rwanda -- but he had never seen human misery quite like this. Writing with vivid memories of his childhood and early career as a roving correspondent, Cooper reveals for the first time how deeply affected he has been by the wars, disasters, and tragedies he has witnessed, and why he continues to be drawn to some of the most perilous places on earth.

Striking, heartfelt, and utterly engrossing, Dispatches from the Edge is an unforgettable memoir that takes us behind the scenes of the cataclysmic events of our age and allows us to see them through the eyes of one of America's most trusted, fearless, and pioneering reporters.