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(종수가 많은) 외서는 해외거래처에서 제공하는 정보가 부족하여 표시하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다.
문의사항은 1:1 상담을 이용해 주십시오.

최근작 :<15 동물 표류기>,<내가 자동차를 만든다면>,<내가 집을 짓는다면> … 총 96종 (모두보기)
소개 :뉴베리상을 수상한 아동문학가인 케이트 디카밀로와 함께 머시 와슨 시리즈 작업에 참여한 일러스트레이터입니다. <Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee> <A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee> <If I Built a Car> 등의 작품을 쓰고 그렸습니다. <15동물 표류기>(원제 : The Circus Ship)는 크리스 반 두센의 작품 중에서 악당이 나오는 첫 번째 이야기입니다.

With energetic rhyme and action-packed artwork to match, If I Built a Car sure to fuel any young inventor with big plans and grand imaginations. 

"If I built a car, it'd be totally new! Here are a few of the things that I'd do. . . ." Jack has designed the ultimate fantasy car. Inspired by zeppelins and trains, Cadillacs and old planes, with brilliant colors and lots of shiny chrome, this far-out vision is ready to cruise! there's a fireplace, a pool, and even a snack bar! After a tour of the ritzy interior, robert the robot starts up the motor . . . and Jack and his dad set off on the wildest test drive ever!


Energetic verse and jubilant, action-packed artwork make this tale of a young inventor?s fantastic daydream a joy ride. (Publishers Weekly)

About the Author

Chris Van Dusen is the author and illustrator of several highly acclaimed picture books, including the hugely popular Mercy Watson series. His book, If I Built a Car won the 2006 E.B. White Read-Aloud Award presented by The Association of Bookesellers for Children. He and his family live in Camden, Maine.