[외국도서] The Collins family - genealogical record (in part) of the descendants of John Collins, sr. (Paperback) - from 1640 to 1760; a complete record of the descendants of William Collins and Esther Morris, from 1760 to 1897. DE
[외국도서] England in 1835 (Paperback) - Being a series of letters written to friends in Germany, during a residence in London and excursions into the provinces. DE
[외국도서] Schreckliche Verwustung der Bayerischen Pfalz und anderer Provinzen der beiden ... (Paperback) - Ein geschichtliche Warnungsspiegel fur Deutschland. DE
[외국도서] General-Bericht uber die franzosische Ackerbau-Enquete (Paperback) - erstattet an den Minister fur Ackerbau, Handel und offentliche Arbeiten. DE